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Free online course: the things you can do with Fusion

Industri och design

Designing, CNC machining and creating photorealistic renders. 


On-demand webinar

About the free online course:

Fusion is a cloud-based platform and includes all the tools you need to seamlessly go from design to manufacturing. All in one go. Discover and learn in this free course from our Fusion expert Arjen how to simulate digitally, how to produce CNC machined parts with integrated CAD/ CAM and how to make high-quality renders.

CAD and CAM together in Fusion
Traditionally, engineering and production are two different worlds: think of CAD and CAM. Fusion unites these two worlds into one. Models designed by an engineer can often be used in a much more effective way. With Fusion you can plan a complete design and manufacturing process within one single platform.

Rendering in the cloud
With Fusion you can easily render amazing and photorealistic images. A great option that allows you to view and highlight your product from all angles. You can also place your product in a real-life simulated background, which is in reality either impossible or very difficult to photograph. Your render is ready within no time. It all happens in the cloud, so you can just continue working while your render is being made. Easy does it.

The things you can do with Fusion after this free online course
Arjen starts with learning you how to make a design in Fusion and how to turn this into an amazing real life render. The next step is to simulate and produce the design on a CNC machine. Fusion has a simple user interface and is easier to learn than Inventor, for example. Therefore, after this training you will be able to master the basics of the tools that we have used.

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Presentatör på denna kurs:

Arjen de Nobel


+31 88 494 66 16