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Switch your multi-user subscriptions to named users

Trade in one seat for two standard subscriptions for one named user each

What is changing and is it relevant for me?

From August 2020 Autodesk will stop the so-called multi-user licenses. The license form makes is possible to share one license with multiple users. To enable this type of license, a specific license server is required, which must be installed on site at your company. Managing these licenses and the license server takes time and effort.

Today we are getting more and more used to having our own license – like you know it from e.g. Office 365. A so-called named license. This subscription form offers both simplicity in management and insight about the users and usage in your organisation.

If you have a multi-user subscription today, you are now offered to switch your multi-user subscription for two named users at a at a cost consistent with what you pay today! In addition to this you can then renew at an ongoing discount to 2028.

What does this mean for me?

Have you ever struggled with getting access to your license because it was in use by someone else? With the transition to a named user – your license will always be ready to be used by you! This means that you log in with your login whenever you need your license.

24-hours-100-red.pngDedicated access for all employees whenever they need it. No more downtime because all of your licenses are in use.

optimization-red-100.pngNew ways to optimize licensing costs. New named plans will allow you to have visibility into your usage data allowing you to make smarter investments for your company.

Plans for individuals, teams, and enterprises with dedicated or flexible software access, depending on how your company works.

You will no longer have to manage network servers or track anonymous serial numbers.

From 5 seats to 10 subscriptions for 10 users

For example, if you have 5 multi-user subscriptions, you can trade them in for 10 standard subscriptions for 10 named users at a cost consistent with what you pay today. 

Frequently asked questions

At your renewal only, after August 7, 2020, trade in one seat or subscription for two subscriptions (for one named user each) at a cost consistent with what you pay today.

Subscriptions with multi-user plans will retire on August 6, 2023 and cannot be further renewed.

Thereafter they will be renewed 1:1

Subscriptions with multi-user access will retire on August 6, 2023 meaning that they cannot be renewed any further. As of August 7, 2020 you will no longer be able to buy new multi-user subscriptions.

If you other have questions – please get in touch with us. We are here to help you

Questions? Get In Touch!


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